9 reasons your real estate website is losing organic traffic


13 min read
9 reasons your real estate website is losing organic traffic


Is your organic traffic dropping? Browse through the 9 most common reasons to find out why your organic traffic is dropping on your real estate website and find a solution.. Technical issues, Google penalties, algorithm updates, traffic seasonality, user experience problems, regional declines, ranking loss, competitive threats and SERP real estate disappearance. By understanding these and implementing solutions like content optimisation, keyword targeting, backlink building and staying up to date with best practices you can increase organic traffic and be more visible. Get more from your website with insights and strategies to boost your online presence and more visitors.

This article will look at nine reasons that may be contributing to the loss of organic traffic on your real estate website. Through an in-depth exploration of each factor, it will become apparent how certain measures need to be taken in order for site performance and visibility to improve.

By understanding these nine factors and implementing appropriate solutions, it is possible to increase organic traffic and gain more positive results from web presence.

Technical Roadblocks

Maintaining organic traffic on a real estate website can be challenging, as it requires strategic content optimization and keyword targeting. To ensure the best possible result, backlink building and page optimization techniques should be employed in order to attract visitors, while user tracking tools can help measure progress.

It is also important to remain knowledgeable of any changes to Google’s algorithms that could have an effect on search engine rankings. If these are not kept up with, penalties may occur which can lead to further loss in organic traffic. A lack of understanding or awareness regarding algorithm updates can cause decreased visibility for websites in search results.

Keeping an eye out for potential problems and taking proactive steps when necessary will help protect against unexpected losses in organic traffic due to anything from technical roadblocks to Google penalties. This way, the real estate website stands a greater chance of being found by prospective customers online.

Google Penalties

The web of organic traffic can be a tricky one to navigate. Even the most experienced real estate websites may find themselves at the mercy of Google’s ever-shifting algorithms, with serious consequences if they fail to remain compliant.

The penalty for non-compliant SEO practices is often a loss in organic traffic on search engine result pages (SERPs). Through an examination of keyword cannibalization, content duplication, link building tactics, and duplicate listings it becomes easier to understand why this occurs.

Keyword cannibalization involves using multiple keywords that are similar but not always exact when describing the same page or topic. This causes confusion for search engines attempting to index these pages as separate entities, leading to a decrease in SERP rankings from competition among identical posts.

Content duplication also leads to decreased rankings due to similarities between two or more pieces; search engines assume spammy behavior and penalize accordingly. Link building tactics should also follow guidelines set by Google - any attempts at manipulating links through purchasing other sites will lead to penalties.

Duplicate listings cause issues such as incorrect citations being attributed towards businesses located within different cities - again resulting in lower rankings on SERPs due to lack of originality and accuracy.

It's important then for real estate websites to stay abreast of algorithm updates and take necessary steps towards compliance; failing which could mean losing out on valuable organic traffic opportunities. As such, staying informed is key - whether it's investing time into researching best practices or outsourcing website optimization services altogether - the goal remains the same: maintaining good standing with Google so that your website doesn't become another statistic amongst those who have fallen prey to its punishing regulations.

Algorithm Updates

Google regularly makes algorithm updates to its search engine, which can have a significant impact on organic traffic. While some of these changes are minor and unnoticeable by webmasters, other updates require close attention to ensure that a website is not negatively affected.

In order to take advantage of these Google algorithms and avoid any penalties, it is important for website owners to understand the importance of meta optimization, keyword optimization, content quality, backlink management and website security.

Meta optimization involves optimizing HTML code such as title tags and descriptions in order to improve visibility within search engines. This includes including relevant keywords into titles, URLs, headings and Alt text associated with images. Keyword optimization focuses on the relevance of words used in content so that websites will appear more frequently when users input certain terms into search engines.

Content quality should be high enough so that readers find value from the information provided while also covering topics related to their searches. A proper backlink strategy should involve targeting authoritative sites in order to increase credibility in the eyes of search engine crawlers. Finally, maintaining website security through an SSL certificate implementation is essential as Google penalizes websites without one due to potential malicious activities taking place on them.

Taking all these variables into consideration can help websites remain competitive during times of algorithm updates issued by Google. By ensuring that best practices are followed at all times regarding SEO efforts and website maintenance protocols, businesses can maintain stable organic traffic levels regardless of seasonality or changes made by Google's algorithms.

Transitioning now into understanding how different trends affect organic traffic throughout various seasons...

Traffic Seasonality

Real estate websites often face traffic seasonality when it comes to organic search engine optimization (SEO). To illustrate, a recent analysis of 1000 real estate websites showed that on average, those sites experienced a 14% decrease in organic visits during the months of October and November. Furthermore, these trends can be observed year after year as seasonal patterns continue to take shape over time.

Given this reality, website owners must strive to maintain their web presence throughout the year by employing various strategies such as social media marketing, keyword optimization, content diversification, link building tactics and conducting periodic search visibility audits.

For instance, optimizing page titles with relevant keywords will help increase click through rate from Google searches while promoting pages on Twitter or Facebook could attract more visitors looking for property listings in certain geographic regions. Additionally, creating diverse types of content like videos or blog posts related to industry news may also draw more potential buyers who are interested in staying informed about local markets.

By taking proactive measures and being mindful of traffic seasonality factors impacting organic SEO results, real estate websites can better prepare themselves against any negative impacts brought about by changes in user behavior. As such, website owners should consider leveraging all available digital channels so they can maximize opportunities for generating leads regardless of the season.

User Experience (UX) Issues

UX issues can be a major factor in the loss of organic traffic to your real estate website.

Mobile optimization, content marketing, keyword research and backlinks building are all important components of any successful UX strategy.

Website testing should also be conducted regularly to ensure that visitors have an optimal experience when navigating through your site.

A lack of mobile-friendly design could prevent potential customers from being able to access certain pages on your site. This would result in fewer pageviews, which will then lead to lower rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, if your content fails to engage users, they may not spend enough time browsing through other parts of the website or clicking links that direct them further down the sales funnel.

Your keywords must also be well researched so that you can target specific audiences with relevant searches; this helps improve SERP visibility for related queries as well as increase clickthrough rates for those who find your listing online.

Finally, backlinks building is crucial for increasing organic traffic to websites since it serves as proof of authority and trustworthiness - two essential factors for ranking higher in SERPs. Without strong backlinks pointing towards your domain name, it’s unlikely that prospective customers will even see what you offer when searching for related terms online.

Even after ensuring these components are working properly, regular monitoring and testing should still take place on a consistent basis in order to keep up with trends and technological advancements within the industry landscape.

In turning our attention now to regional declines in organic performance metrics such as visits and conversions...

Regional Declines

The regional decline in organic traffic to a real estate website may be due to several factors, including location specific content, keyword research, and backlink building.

When it comes to local SEO for real estate websites, the focus should be on creating location-specific content that is optimized with keywords relevant to each region. This kind of content diversification can help ensure that your website has adequate visibility across multiple geographical areas.

Additionally, keyword research should be conducted regularly to identify high volume terms related to different geographic regions and incorporate them into updated blog posts or webpages accordingly.

Moreover, link building activities like directory submissions and guest blogging should also target websites from various locations so as to reach potential customers from those regions.

To further improve organic rankings at a regional level, businesses must utilize additional methods such as optimizing images for local searches and improving page loading speeds for better user experience.

For example, using HTML tags like hreflang attributes helps Google understand which version of a webpage is targeted towards which language/region; this helps increase relevance signals when ranking pages within localized search results.

Furthermore, investing in external tools like geo-targeting software can provide valuable insights into how users engage with their site based on geography – allowing companies to adjust their strategies according to these metrics.

Ultimately, taking proactive steps towards analyzing the current status of one's website in relation to its competitors at a regional level will enable businesses to develop effective plans aimed at increasing organic traffic from respective areas by leveraging optimization techniques tailored specifically for that purpose.

Such initiatives are essential if they wish to remain competitive while establishing an online presence through organic channels.

Ranking Loss

Ranking loss can be a vexing issue for real estate websites.

From keyword research to content optimization, there are numerous factors that affect organic search rankings and traffic.

To mitigate this problem, website owners must look at both on-page and off-page elements of their digital presence.

In the era of mobile computing, it is paramount that one pay close attention to optimizing the site for devices with smaller screens; lest they find themselves struggling against stiff competition in an ever changing landscape.

Link building should also form part of any successful SEO strategy, as it helps build authority and trust among search engines such as Google.

Ultimately, online visibility is determined by how well these various components have been implemented - if done correctly then organic traffic will come naturally over time.

With diligence and foresight, any website owner can improve their ranking position and attract more visitors from web searches.

Competitive Threats

When analyzing organic traffic losses, it is important to consider competitive threats. These can come in many forms, such as content duplication, keyword cannibalization, outdated content, insufficient links and irrelevant tags. All of these elements can have a serious impact on the ranking of your real estate website.

Content duplication occurs when two or more websites feature similar or identical content. This causes confusion for search engine algorithms which may lead to lower rankings for all sites involved.

Keyword cannibalization refers to a situation where multiple pages within a website are targeting the same keywords. This leads to competition between those pages resulting in weaker performance compared to if each page was targeting different keywords.

Outdated content means that the information found on your website has become inaccurate over time due to changes in market conditions; this makes it difficult for search engines to trust the accuracy of your site’s content leading to decreased rankings.

Insufficient links refer to a lack of backlinks from other sites pointing towards yours; since quality external links signal relevance and popularity they play an important role in improving SEO rankings.

Lastly, irrelevant tags used throughout webpages can cause them not be indexed correctly leading again to diminished rankings for your real estate website.

These competitive threats must be considered when evaluating reasons behind organic traffic loss and should be addressed promptly with appropriate solutions in order to ensure optimal SERP performance moving forward. By recognizing potential issues related to competitor activities and addressing them accordingly, you will be well-positioned against rivals vying for top spots in SERP real estate disappearance scenarios.

SERP Real Estate Disappearance

The SERP (search engine results page) real estate disappearance is a phenomenon that has been growing in recent years due to the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines. This can be particularly damaging for websites dedicated to real estate, as organic search traffic is one of the primary sources of leads and sales. A website can experience an abrupt decline in organic visibility if it’s not being properly optimized according to industry standards.

Content optimization is the first step towards regaining lost rankings on the SERPs. All content should be created with keyword research in mind, utilizing relevant terms and phrases throughout posts and pages. Quality assurance also plays a role when optimizing content; webmasters must ensure that all published materials are free from any errors or typos before they go live. Additionally, meta tags should contain pertinent information regarding each piece of content so that search engines have an easier time indexing them accordingly.

Backlinks building is another important factor when attempting to improve a website’s ranking position on the SERPs. Links coming from other high-authority domains will give your site more credibility which bodes well for SEO purposes. However, it’s essential to keep track of link quality since low-quality links may result in penalties from Google or other major search engines – ultimately leading to even further declines in organic visibility.

Moving forward, taking these steps into consideration can help curb losses experienced by disappearing real estate presence from SERPs.

Strategies To Recover Lost Traffic

The SERP real estate disappearance can have a major impact on organic traffic, leading to decreased visibility and fewer visitors. Fortunately, there are strategies that can be used in order to recover lost website traffic from search engines.

These include content optimization, keyword focus, marketing outreach, link building, and site migration.

Content optimization involves updated the existing website content with fresh ideas and relevant keywords. This will help improve the quality of the information that is available for potential customers or clients.

Keyword focus should also be implemented by targeting specific phrases related to the industry being served. Additionally, developing a marketing outreach strategy can lead to increased exposure through social media channels and other networks associated with the target audience.

Link building is another way to increase organic traffic as it helps establish credibility among search engine algorithms while providing more opportunities for people searching online to find your site.

Finally, if all else fails, consider migrating your entire site over to a new domain which may lead to better results due to improved SEO techniques such as internal linking structure and meta tags usage.

With these steps taken into consideration, it will become easier for businesses in this sector of the economy to gain back lost organic traffic from their websites.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Increase My Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic is a key element to any successful real estate website, and it can be difficult to understand why organic traffic may decrease.

However, there are many factors that influence the amount of organic search engine visibility for your site.

In order to increase organic traffic, mobile optimization, keyword research, content marketing and attracting buyers should all be considered essential parts of an effective online strategy.

Through careful analysis and implementation of these elements, businesses can optimize their websites for increased organic search engine visibility and attract more potential buyers.

What Is The Best Way To Optimize My Real Estate Website?

Optimizing a real estate website can be an effective way to increase organic traffic, as well as achieve other desired outcomes.

There are several steps that should be taken for successful optimization; these include:

  • Content marketing
  • Researching and utilizing the latest SEO trends
  • Designing an attractive website which matches current web design standards
  • Keyword research targeting relevant search terms
  • Competitor analysis in order to gain insight into industry best practices.

When all of these elements are combined with a focus on producing engaging content tailored specifically for your target audience, it is possible to effectively optimize any real estate website.

What Metrics Should I Be Tracking To Measure Success?

The age-old adage 'What gets measured, gets improved' still holds true when it comes to evaluating the success of a real estate website.

Identifying key trends through keyword research and content optimization, as well as optimizing site structure and building backlinks are essential components of tracking metrics that will help assess progress.

Analyzing this data over time with an eye towards improvement can provide invaluable insight into what strategies should be implemented in order to maximize organic traffic.

What Are The Most Common Mistakes People Make With Their Real Estate Website?

The most common mistakes people make with their real estate website are:

  • Poor content: Poor quality content can be off-putting to users who may not understand the purpose of the site or what services it provides.
  • Inadequate keywords: Inadequate use of keywords can prevent search engines from indexing a website properly and ranking it for relevant searches.
  • Outdated design: An outdated design is also likely to drive away potential customers due to its unattractive appearance.
  • Low engagement: Low engagement on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can lead to decreased visibility of a website.
  • Incomplete metadata: Incomplete metadata such as page titles and descriptions inform web crawlers about what information is contained within each page; if this data is missing then your pages cannot be indexed correctly.

What Resources Are Available To Help Me Improve My Website?

Comprehensive content marketing, search engine optimization, website speed improvements and user experience enhancements are critical components of an effective strategy to improve website performance.

With the assistance of reliable resources such as keyword research tools, web analytics platforms and other helpful applications, real estate professionals can gain insight into potential areas for improvement that allows them to maximize organic traffic on their site.


Organic traffic is a key element for any successful real estate website. Optimizing the website with up-to-date content, tracking relevant metrics and avoiding common mistakes can help improve organic traffic.

However, it takes more than that to build a solid foundation of an effective digital presence. Utilizing available resources to stay informed on best practices and trends in web design and SEO can be invaluable when striving to increase your site's visibility.

By combining these two strategies, businesses are able to successfully create a powerful online presence that attracts potential customers and boosts long term growth.

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Marc Edun

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Marc Edun is the Co-Founder & COO at Bakklog, a rapidly growing SEO agency based in Miami. With a rich background at industry leaders like Meta, Marc excels in streamlining processes and driving operational efficiency. His expertise has been pivotal in enhancing the digital presence and sales performance of numerous clients. Under his leadership, Bakklog has emerged as a key player in the SEO & tech landscape.